I made 3 "one-two" combos against my 80# heavy bag before the core -- which is billed as 'light and durable' -- snapped in half. I was holding the staff in the middle with both hands approximately shoulder-width apart and not exerting all that much force, since I was just warming up.
The padding on the outside is decent, but I believe the inner core to be nothing more than cheap plastic. I guess I really shouldn't expect too much from an $18 item, but still, it's a practice staff presumably intended for practice combat. I broke mine against a large, padded object. If you had a pair of them, there's no way they would survive bo staff to bo staff contact.
Rather than going through the hassle of trying to return this oversize item, I intend to pull the broken core pieces out and replace them with a wooden dowel. I guess I should have done that to begin with & bought some pipe insulating foam to pad it.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Economy Padded Staff
Product Description:
Light and durable bo staff covered with thick black rubber foam. Size:4ft,5ft,6ft
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