I have been shortboarding for a while, so this is not my first skateboard, but it is my first longboard. I have had this board for about 5 months.
I am a 19 year old female that weighs 120lbs, but by no means does this mean it cannot accommodate someone heavier and/or male.
The trucks on this longboard are different from other shortboard trucks:
1. For starters, all the boards in the Sector 9 Sidewinder Series use Gullwing Sidewinder trucks. This means they have two kingpins (as opposed to one). This means this board is able to lean more than any other board with a single pivot. This will be explained later.
2. These trucks are what you call "drop-through". Drop through trucks are pretty much unheard of in the shortboarding world, but pretty commonplace in longboarding. What you would find on a shortboard are "top mounted" trucks. Drop-through trucks mean that the baseplate is dropped through a hole in the top of the board, and the board is basically being held up by the nuts through the board, as opposed to the baseplates. This also makes the board lower for more stability as opposed to top mounting. In the case of the Sidewinder series, the drop through trucks make the board just as high as other longboards using Paris Trucks (top mounted), for instance.
As with most longboard trucks, your stock bushings are pretty much crap. This can be easily fixed by replacing those black rubbery things you see in your trucks. These are your bushings. A standard truck with one king pin will use a top bushing and a bottom busing, for a total of 4 for the board, or a set of 2. Since the Sidewinders have 2 kingpins per truck, you will need 4 sets. I could go on and on about shapes and duros and brands but just do some research on bushings because they will really make the ride come alive. I use white and orange khiros, for example. a set of oranges board-side and a set of whites road-side.
The deck itself has some good flex. Not a lot, but not a little either. Definitely noticeable when coming from shortboards.
The wheels are Sector 9 69mm 80a Slalom wheels. They're really nice, I haven't swapped them out, but since I have swapped the bearings to some cheap Speedy Lunatics and I'm about to go to Bones Reds (ftw). The stock bearings aren't too bad but pretty unserviceable so that's why I switched.
Overall it's a really great board. I use it mostly for commuting in NYC and around the UMass Amherst campus. It's good for carving and down some good sized hills, but if you're going to go downhill bombing this probably isn't your board. It's a good first longboard and I don't see why it wouldn't be a good first skateboard either.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Sector 9 SAND WEDGE Professional Complete Longboard Skateboard - Sidewinder Series
Product Description:
The Sidewinder Series boards are all about the patented trucks. They have two pivot points which all the trucks to basically turn twice as sharp and fast as a standard truck. This double action pivot allows riders to generate speed using their own turning momentum.
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