Click Here to see more reviews about: Balego® Professional Resistance Band with Handles
Product Description:
(Optional Door Attachment not included: Sold Separately) Stretch Tube Exercises: * Squat - buttocks, back of thigh, low back (gluteals, hamstrings, erector spinae) * Lunge - front and back of thigh, buttock (quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals) * Kneeling Crunch - abdominal muscles * Trunk Extension - low back (erector spinae) * Chest Press - chest, front of shoulder, back of arm (pectorals, anterior deltoid, triceps) * Front Pulldown - mid-back (latissimus dorsi, lower trapezius) * Row - mid-back (rhomboids, middle trapezius) * Lateral Raise - middle of shoulder (medial deltoid) * Arm Curl - front of arm (biceps) * Tricep Pressdown - back of arm (triceps)
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